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IFRS 17 Explained

IFRS 17 is complex and many insurance firms feel there is a lack of understanding and training. Watch our latest video and help your company better understand IFRS 17. IFRS…

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IFRS 17 Explained

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IFRS 17 is complex and many insurance firms feel there is a lack of understanding and training. Watch our latest video and help your company better understand IFRS 17.

IFRS 17 is complex, and many insurance firms feel there is a lack of understanding regarding the new accounting standard.

Through training, firms can make the wider organisation aware of the importance of IFRS 17 within. A better understanding across all departments will aid firms during the transition period, and better prepare insurers for achieving compliance by January 2023.

In our latest online tutorial above, we look at what’s new about IFRS 17, the Contractual Service Margin, Unit of Account, varying rules for insurance firms and transitioning your existing business.



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