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The Definitive Guide to Embedded Analytics

Data-driven decisions are no longer the domain of executives. Everyone needs data insights from the applications they use every day. Everyone wants dashboards and reports infused in their workflows. Learn…

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The Definitive Guide to Embedded Analytics

Jet Analytics

Data-driven decisions are no longer the domain of executives. Everyone needs data insights from the applications they use every day. Everyone wants dashboards and reports infused in their workflows.

Learn how embedded analytics is boosting user adoption, creating apps people love, and changing the game for software and SaaS providers.

You’ll learn:

  • How embedded analytics is different from business intelligence
  • The 5 steps to creating a great user experience
  • When to buy an embedded analytics solution and when to build one
  • How to identify your objectives and translate them into requirements
  • How to go-to-market, from pricing and packaging to external promotion
  • How to build a business case and sell the project internally

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