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The CFO’s Guide to Zero-Based Budgeting

Zero-based budgeting is gaining in popularity as business leaders seek to gain greater control over spending during these uncertain times. While this approach requires some additional up-front effort, it ultimately…

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The CFO’s Guide to Zero-Based Budgeting

03 2021 Whitepaper Cfozerobasedbudget Resource (1)

Zero-based budgeting is gaining in popularity as business leaders seek to gain greater control over spending during these uncertain times. While this approach requires some additional up-front effort, it ultimately results in a far more disciplined approach to spending decisions. Zero-based budgeting provides a systematic way of scrutinizing costs and setting meaningful standards for cost justification.

By streamlining planning and budgeting using the right technology, organizations can implement a zero-based approach efficiently and effectively, leading to substantially improved budgetary discipline.

In this free downloadable guide, you’ll learn:

  • What zero-based budgeting is
  • The pros and cons of adopting this approach
  • The five critical steps to make the transition to zero-based budgeting successful

Download the eBook.

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