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The Big Secret to Painless Data Migration

Data migration in an ERP implementation or upgrade is rarely seen as a “value-added” technology activity. Instead, businesses tend to regard these typically complex and costly endeavors as a necessary evil…

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The Big Secret to Painless Data Migration

Resource Big Secret To Painless Migration

Data migration in an ERP implementation or upgrade is rarely seen as a “value-added” technology activity. Instead, businesses tend to regard these typically complex and costly endeavors as a necessary evil deriving from the need to upgrade and replace systems or merge and rationalize technologies.

In this whitepaper, we are going to discuss the main reasons why data migration is such an arduous task. You will learn:

  • Reasons behind the challenges of legacy and historical data
  • What to do with your existing master and transactional data
  • Five ways that a data warehouse can help you simplify and streamline your data migration
  • Expert advice on how to significantly reduce the costs and dangers of data migration

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