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OLAP Cubes 101: An Introduction to Business Intelligence Cubes

It’s a data-driven world; we just live in it. In today’s fast-paced, hypercompetitive business environment, having near-instantaneous access to the data can be the difference between a wildly successful organization…

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OLAP Cubes 101: An Introduction to Business Intelligence Cubes

Olap Cubes

It’s a data-driven world; we just live in it.

In today’s fast-paced, hypercompetitive business environment, having near-instantaneous access to the data can be the difference between a wildly successful organization and one that goes belly up. The importance of business intelligence is significant: companies who utilize analytics to drive decision making are 5x more likely to make decisions faster.

In this guide, we’ll explore how your databases are failing you—and how OLAP cubes are enabling employees to identify and access the data they need to drive true business intelligence.

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