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From AI to BI: Understanding AI in Business

When you think of Artificial Intelligence (AI), what comes to mind? The dystopian nightmare of The Matrix? The Skynet singularity of The Terminator? While the recent rise of AI is…

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From AI to BI: Understanding AI in Business

Jet Resource From Ai To Bi

When you think of Artificial Intelligence (AI), what comes to mind? The dystopian nightmare of The Matrix? The Skynet singularity of The Terminator? While the recent rise of AI is far less terrifying, it stands to be as revolutionary a force in the world as computing grows more powerful and increasing amounts of data are collected for AI to analyze and learn from.

But for all the opportunity, AI is still widely misunderstood in the business world—and when it comes to the applications business leaders are looking for from AI such as advanced analytics, reporting, and data visualization, there’s actually a different letter of the alphabet to focus on. That’s not to say that AI doesn’t have a place in business—certainly, as the technology develops, there will be increasing opportunity to apply machine learning in enterprise environments.

Without understanding exactly what AI is and the limited use cases in business, enterprises are resigned to failing to reap the benefits of solutions that exist in the market and can be applied today.

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