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Nine Key Factors to Consider When Evaluating Enterprise Tax Software

Are you under pressure to close your books faster, but a lack of integration with finance systems means you cannot start your tax reporting (provision) until the finance data are…

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Nine Key Factors to Consider When Evaluating Enterprise Tax Software

10 2020 Tax Buyers Guide Eight Key Factors To Consider When Evaluating Enterprise Tax Software Rsc

Are you under pressure to close your books faster, but a lack of integration with finance systems means you cannot start your tax reporting (provision) until the finance data are complete?

Do your current processes take too much time and manual effort, leaving you with insufficient visibility into your data, allowing sudden surprises to jeopardize meeting your group’s forecasted effective tax rate?

If so, it’s probably time to consider the underlying software that powers your tax team’s operations. But how do you know what to look for?

In this guide, you will learn the nine key factors to consider when evaluating enterprise tax software.

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