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Real Estate and Property Management: 2021 Industry Outlook for F&A Professionals

Finance and accounting professionals in the real estate industry are faced with many of the same challenges as executives in other sectors. Technology innovations have brought about an explosion in…

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Real Estate and Property Management: 2021 Industry Outlook for F&A Professionals

Is 2021 Ebook Realestateindustry Resource (1)

Finance and accounting professionals in the real estate industry are faced with many of the same challenges as executives in other sectors. Technology innovations have brought about an explosion in the volume of data and the diversity of systems in which that data resides, raising the bar for financial reporting and analysis. At the same time, real estate finance and accounting managers are facing some more unique challenges in the form of updated accounting standards and rapidly changing regulatory environments. These shifts weigh heavily on the priorities of finance managers, who are looking for better and more accurate reporting solutions to meet their needs.

Download this ebook to learn more about:

  • Current market insights for the real estate and property management market
  • Evolving accounting trends that impact finance and accounting teams, and the challenges that accompany them
  • How technology can afford opportunities to integrate and automate real-time reporting capabilities for your finance team

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