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Compliance, Profitability, and Digital Transformation: The Cal-Maine Foods Journey​

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Streamline Disclosure Reporting with CDM! Join us for an exclusive webinar on November 16 where Cal-Maine Foods, the largest producer and distributor of shell eggs in the United States, will

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Streamline Disclosure Reporting with CDM!

Join us for an exclusive webinar on November 16 where Cal-Maine Foods, the largest producer and distributor of shell eggs in the United States, will share its journey of migrating its financial and regulatory reporting to Certent Disclosure Management (CDM).

Watch this engaging interview with Matt Glover, Vice President at Cal-Maine Foods, to gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of regulatory reporting, data integration, and automation within the CDM framework.

Key topics the interview will address:

  • Automation and Efficiency with CDM

Matt will share how automation and technology tools, particularly CDM, have simplified Cal-Maine’s regulatory reporting process, eliminated manual tasks, and ensured accuracy.

  • XBRL Reporting Made Easier

Learn how Cal-Maine is leveraging CDM to efficiently manage its XBRL reporting process to save time and maintain quality assurance.

  • Seamless Future Integration with CDM

See how Cal-Maine Foods has seamlessly integrated CDM with financial tools, like Spreadsheet Server, enabling more data-driven regulatory reporting.

This webinar promises to be an enlightening opportunity for finance professionals, offering insights into dynamic market trends, and the potential to optimize disclosure reporting using CDM.

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