
Food and Beverage Company Enhance Operational Visibility Throughout the Organization with the use of Atlas

Retail Food Group leverages Atlas business intelligence to save time, complete tactical analysis, and deliver valuable insights to executives.

Retail Food Group Main Image


The reporting pain point that led Retail Food Group to evaluate and ultimately select Atlas by Global Software, Inc.:

  • Limit on data allowed to produce a large report

Used Atlas for reporting beyond Financials/GL in the following areas:

  • Project management
  • Sales/marketing
  • Inventory
  • Procurement

Chose Atlas over the following tools:

  • Management Reporter
  • An Excel Add-in


Experienced the following benefits as a result of Atlas:

  • Streamlined report creation
  • Improved data accuracy
  • Improved access to live data to make strategic decisions
  • Users being able to create their own reports, and less dependence on IT
  • The ability to upload data directly from Excel

Streamlined the following processes by using Atlas:

  • Sharing of reports/dashboards with the team or management
  • Reporting outside the GL, such as Inventory, Manufacturing, Sales, Purchasing, Projects, etc.

Gained the ability to do the following by using Atlas:

  • Direct initiatives based on findings in reports
  • Gain Data Validation capability
  • Increase the ability to complete tactical, complex analysis
  • Increase time savings

Freed up 100-200 hours in one year throughout their organization by using Atlas for reporting.

“Atlas allows for reports to be built and run in a timely manner. Many standard AX 2012 R3 reports do not cater for what finance teams need to operate their business as effectively as possible. Atlas does.”

Nicholas Tsamuras
IT Specialist

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