
Multi-User Collaboration Empowers LifePoint Health

Life Point

The Situation

The Director of Financial Reporting at LifePoint Health, a publicly- traded, Fortune 500 healthcare operator across the U.S., wanted to enable his team to shorten its reporting cycle without sacrificing quality. They faced the common challenges of facilitating input from multiple parties and manual input and copying of data, which were intensified by tight deadlines. As team leader, he sought a solution that would enable multi-user collaboration, automation for data entry, and acceleration of workflow.

The Transformation

The director of financial reporting saw the potential to elevate LifePoint Health’s SEC filing process and looked to Certent Disclosure Management for his reporting needs. After he implemented CDM, LifePoint had the infrastructure in place to streamline the process of creating the company’s SEC filings. “Now that we have implemented CDM we have a much more efficient process and are able to utilize Excel® to update tables in the document instantly.” Also, by allowing multiple users to work within the document simultaneously, the reporting team was able to shave valuable time off of their lengthy reporting cycle.

While there are a variety of software features the financial reporting team cannot live without, the team maintains that it is the insightsoftware support team and dedicated accountants that “sets insightsoftware apart” from the competition.

The Results

With support from the customer success experts, the financial reporting team has experienced the following results:

  • Significant increases in reporting productivity and improved collaboration by removing manual processes
  • Consistent styles with the help of insightsoftware Formatting Services
  • Expert support and services from the client success team – especially for last minute changes
  • The functionality to quickly roll-forward figures for future filings

Using insightsoftware’s Disclosure Management solution, LifePoint has increased its reporting efficiency while ensuring its disclosures meet regulatory requirements.

After implementing CDM, we have a much more efficient process. We are able to utilize Excel® to update tables in the document immediately.

Director, Financial Reporting

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