
Finance Director Cuts Days from Monthly Reporting Process with Jet Analytics Business Intelligence

Davis & Shirtliff leverages business intelligence to empower staff, free up resources, create reports in real time, and deliver valuable insights to executives

Primary Pic Davis Shirtliff


As the leading supplier of water-related equipment in the East African region, Davis & Shirtliff had been dealing with time-consuming delays and disconnected reporting processes. The company was using Dynamics NAV to capture sales, customers, products, and financial transactions, but was struggling to extract that data and deliver meaningful insights to the executive team. Employees used arduous spreadsheets for business analytics and performance measurement, which weren’t linked to the Dynamics NAV system and couldn’t be analyzed. To add to these difficulties, reports could only be produced by developers. According to Finance Director, George Mbugua, this resulted in drastic delays and made complex reporting especially challenging. It took their team five to six days every month to create a series of reports for senior-level managers.


Davis & Shirtliff chose Jet Analytics for two main reasons: it was easy to deploy and specifically designed for their Dynamics NAV system. After implementing the Jet, every user in the company with basic Excel skills could access the required data and perform analysis in an easy-to-use Excel interface. This has resulted in huge time savings, essentially eliminating any development work and reducing dependencies. The executive team can quickly and easily access information related to sales, orders, stock, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and finance, providing true business intelligence that they can use in strategic planning and decision making. Critical reports are now scheduled for generation at specific times and automatically emailed to key stakeholders. Because of this, the management accounts report that used to take five to six days to create can now be generated in under an hour.

“With Jet Analytics, our executive team now spends less time briefing developers to design reports and more time making important business decisions.”

George Mbugua
Finance Director

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