
The Missing Link in Your Power BI/ERP Data Chain

insightsoftware -
May 6, 2022

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate.

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Business intelligence empowers businesses to get the most out of their data by providing tools to analyze information, streamline operations, track performance, and inform decision-making. In the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem, Power BI generates easy-to-read visualizations that help stakeholders perform key analysis. But finance professionals can encounter roadblocks when seeking deeper analysis than their technical knowledge of Power BI permits.

That’s why Jet is a perfect companion to BI tools like Power BI. Their combined utility makes it easy to create and maintain a complete data warehouse solution with very little effort. Gone are the days of relying on your overtaxed IT department for the reports that fuel your business. Jet acts as the perfect conduit between your ERP data and Power BI. This enables finance teams to create and manage insightful custom reports in the front-end visualization tool their executives know and love.

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Hitting a Reporting Wall

If you use Power BI alone to generate reports, the complexity of the Microsoft Dynamics data model can be an obstacle as it requires knowledge of its proprietary DAX scripting language. As a result, data preparation is slow and cumbersome while requiring technical Power Query and Pivot knowledge.

The learning curve of generating reports with Power BI is daunting, requiring in-depth training to navigate different options. Other challenges include:

  • No automatic, real-time reporting
  • Data models must be refreshed either manually or on a set schedule
  • Refreshes in Power BI Pro are limited to eight times per day
  • No drill-down capabilities

Complementing Your Business Intelligence

When your options are relying on IT departments that won’t prioritize your mission-critical reports or navigating the challenges of reporting in Power BI, month-end close can stretch into days or weeks. Power BI is a useful visualization tool on its own. But connecting it to real-time ERP data in Jet Reports allows you far greater control of the analysis and ability to account for last-minute adjustments. Jet Reports allows finance teams to work with the familiar interface of Excel. Refresh your Power BI visualizations in minutes and be confident in their accuracy.

  • Providing purpose-built financial and operational reporting inside Microsoft Excel
  • Leveraging real-time data so that your reports immediately update
  • Enabling you to build self-serve custom reports
  • Not requiring knowledge of SQL or proprietary DAX programming knowledge

An Ideal Match for Your Analytics

Where Jet Reports addresses reporting gaps, Jet Analytics brings all your data together in Power BI, allowing you to analyze trends and forecast scenarios through a channel your executives can easily understand. Jet Analytics provides data warehouse automation for fast, consistent business analytics and master data management. A plug-and-play solution, Jet Analytics works seamlessly with Business Central and NAV, whether you’re on prem or on the cloud.

To simplify processes, Jet Analytics has pre-built projects and a suite of both Excel and Power BI-based reports to get organizations up and running quickly. It works by taking details from the raw database and organizing it by subject in its built-in data warehouse. You can even merge data from multiple sources, including Power BI and Jet Reports, to build data models. Jet Analytics gives you the freedom to rapidly deploy Power BI and eliminate any need to understand the underlying data structure, saving you hours of training. Other benefits include:

  • Providing accurate, governed data through a single source of truth
  • Rapid time to value through turnkey installation within hours
  • Providing pre-built OLAP cubes, a data warehouse, and visualized dashboards
  • Low total cost of ownership
  • A drag-and-drop customization platform

When high-performance green building materials distributor Femat was bogged down by manual processes and static spreadsheets, the business knew it needed better access to information so that its teams could work more efficiently. By adopting both Jet Analytics and Power BI, the company was able to achieve significant time savings, foster strong, cross-functional interactions, and enjoy real-time reporting.

“We added Power BI and Jet Analytics in 2019 and it has made our operations a lot smoother,” said Florian Brunet-Lecomte, President of Femat. “The combination of these products helps us analyze our data, eliminate most manual processes, and simplify the reporting we need. Ultimately, it enables us to visualize everything easily in Power BI.”

Power BI alone is an excellent tool for business intelligence, providing finance and accounting professionals with helpful self-service visualizations and dashboards. Working with a variety of data sources, the technology can take disconnected sources of data and extract visually rich, interactive insights. However, it can be difficult to get the data into a form Power BI can show.

Jet Reports and Jet Analytics are the perfect partners for your Power BI experience. They provide easy-to-generate, real-time reports that don’t require expert level programming knowledge. In addition, they make it easy to take multi-dimensional data and process it into vital reports like balance sheets, P&L, and cash flow statements.

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How to Begin Using Power BI in 5 Minutes Using Jet Analytics

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