
Remove Data Siloes to Increase the Value of Your SAP Reporting

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October 24, 2023

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate.

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Your SAP system collects vast amounts of financial and operational data. But you only tap into a portion of SAP’s potential power when this data is kept siloed within separate departments, systems or spreadsheets. CFOs are under increasing pressure to provide actionable insights that guide leadership decision-making. In today’s turbulent market, it’s key that these insights include data inputs from across the whole organization, not just finance.

Our recent Hanover report echoes this sentiment. 48% of finance teams are seeing efficiency losses from global economic disruptions. To combat close this efficiency gap, the number one CFO priority is “increasing collaboration across teams and departments”.

To achieve oversight and agility, your finance team needs the right tools to aggregate all relevant data sources and provide the comprehensive analysis your leadership craves.

Why Finance Teams are Struggling
with Efficiency in 2023

Disconnected SAP Data Challenges

Siloed data poses significant collaboration challenges to your SAP reporting team like reporting delays, limited visibility of data, and poor data quality. Unable to collaborate effectively, your team will struggle to promptly respond to leadership needs and custom data queries required to navigate your business through troubled waters.

The top three challenges facing your SAP reporting teams’ data collaboration are:

  • Data integration complexities: You face reporting delays due to the complexities of integrating data from various silos.
  • Limited data accessibility: Restricted data access obstructs comprehensive reporting and limits visibility into business processes.
  • Data quality concerns: Data quality is impacted by inconsistent and incomplete data, stifling accurate reporting and analysis.

To give you a real-world application, supply chains all over the world are having to adjust. . Chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) require comprehensive oversight of organizational data to effectively manage supply chain efficiency.

Financial data helps CSCOs understand the financial implications of their decisions, while operational data provides context and actionable insights into how the supply chain is functioning on a practical level. If your SAP data is siloed, CSCOs might have operational data showing the efficiency of certain processes, but without corresponding financial data, they cannot assess the cost-effectiveness of those operations, thus hampering well-informed decision making.

To achieve oversight and agility, your finance team needs the right tools to aggregate all relevant data sources and provide the comprehensive analysis your leadership craves.

A Single Source of SAP Data Truth

Connected SAP data offers many advantages for your teams, including real-time visibility, improved data accuracy, consistency, efficiency, and cost savings.

Real-time Visibility and Decision-Making:

  • Timely and accurate data: Connected SAP data allows organizations to access real-time and up-to-date information from various departments and processes. This gives decision-makers access to current data for financial and operational reporting, reducing decision-making based on outdated information.
  • Faster decision-making: Real-time data enables faster decision-making, allowing organizations to respond quickly to ever-changing market conditions. This agility helps organizations capitalize on favorable circumstances.

Improved Data Accuracy and Consistency:

  • Data integrity: SAP data integration pushes consistent and accurate data across the organization. This reduces errors and discrepancies in financial and operational reporting.
  • Single source of truth: Connecting SAP data creates a centralized repository for financial and operational data, ensuring that all departments and stakeholders are working from the same set of data. This promotes data consistency and eliminates the need for manual data reconciliation.

Enhanced Efficiency and Cost Savings:

  • Automation: Teams can gain refreshable, drillable reports and close the books faster, leading to more time for insights and analysis.
  • Cost savings: Improved efficiency, reduced errors, and streamlined processes can lead to significant savings. Organizations can allocate resources more effectively and avoid unnecessary expenses associated with manual data handling.

How to Get More Employees to Love SAP

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Generate More Value with Connected SAP Reporting

Angles Enterprise for SAP transforms and enhances critical data from SAP ERP tools, turning it into actionable insights. It puts the power of operational analytics and business intelligence into the hands of the people who need it most – the business users. Angles Enterprise for SAP applies a context-aware, process-rich business data model to SAP’s complex data structure and simplifies it into normal business terms and language users understand, empowering business users to get answers quickly. Angles’ cross-process reporting breaks through the silos and combines data from multiple functions to provide insights across your business.


Built-in knowledge of SAP enables Angles Enterprise for SAP to automatically extract data from production SAP instances (both ECC or S/4HANA), interpreting your company’s SAP data model, application logic, and customizations and allowing rapid implementation. Angles Enterprise for SAP takes a full or configurable delta extraction from all relevant tables, including material master and vendor master, and automatically interprets the master and transaction data, the SAP data dictionary, and customized settings. It has no impact on performance. Upon receiving the newly extracted data, Angles Enterprise for SAP rebuilds the model. The solution uses configuration files outside the source code to build this model, which allows for rapid addition of Z-tables or Z-fields and makes Angles Enterprise for SAP smart enough to work plug-and-play on any SAP ERP system.


Loaded with unique, built-in, cross-process intelligence, Angles Enterprise for SAP makes your ERP transactional data easy to understand. It enriches the data with more than 600 calculated fields for analyzing supply chain and financial data. This added intelligence enables business users to analyze their processes horizontally across the entire value chain – from purchasing via production and warehousing and sales to FI/CO.


Angles Enterprise for SAP offers an easy-to-use self-service interface for your business users, who can perform searches using real business language rather than needing to know how to write SQL queries. This allows them to create reports or dashboards either from within Angles or in their BI Tool of choice.

Want to learn more about modernizing your SAP operational reporting? Dive into our white paper to learn more about Angles Enterprise for SAP’s relationships with connected data and see if insightsoftware has the tool your reporting teams need.

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