
Moving to Oracle ERP Cloud? Consider these 5 things

insightsoftware -
May 13, 2022

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate.

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Whether your goal is to leverage the newest technology or to stay up to date with your Oracle ERP, migrating to the cloud is a complex, but worthwhile undertaking. It requires time to install, train, and embed new processes, but the effort is rewarded by the ability to leverage more agile workflows and increase ROI.

Although many companies run their own on-premise servers to maintain IT infrastructure, 48% of organizations already store data on the public cloud. If you’re looking to migrate, the good news is it won’t require you to reinvent the wheel. Here, we discuss the top five questions to consider before moving to Oracle ERP Cloud.

1. Will you be able to you access your cloud data in the format you need?​

Before moving to the cloud, it’s vital to ensure that the information you safeguard is in alignment. When your company houses data in different types of programs and reports, it’s inevitable that there will be differences in the way it’s presented.

Before you make the move, ensure that your data appears in a consistent format. For example, in your Excel reports, make sure your columns appear in the same order across the board, as in “name, address, city, state.” When you make your move to the cloud, this allows you to search for and access critical information more easily.

Another option is to use technology that can interpret data in different formats. Bringing information into a data warehouse may require you to combine source systems that are not using data in the same format. For example, perhaps the dates are recorded in a ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ format. Software like Angles for Oracle doesn’t require you to change the thousands of rows of data your company stores. Instead, it automatically interprets existing information by allowing you to merge data from multiple instances of Oracle ERPs, Salesforce, and other tools into one central location for reporting and analytics.

2. How many processes rely on data dumps into spreadsheets?

Most of Oracle’s suite of reporting and analysis tools originated from its legacy on-premise software. That means they come with all the sophistication that those tools developed over the years. Although you can export data directly from Oracle and into a static spreadsheet, it requires a great deal of technical expertise, or heavy reliance on IT departments, when it comes time to modify or create custom reports.

For the finance team, Oracle’s existing out-of-the-box reporting capabilities can be a confusing mix of tools, techniques, and capabilities. Selecting the right tool for a particular task can be daunting, especially when many are made for IT and other departments, requiring detailed knowledge of multiple reporting tools.

Adopting a tool that works intrinsically with Oracle Cloud ERP is ideal for ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud. Software like Spreadsheet Server which is built specifically for finance, accounting, and IT professionals, leverages Excel’s familiar interface to provide you with refreshable, drillable reports that don’t require you to understand Oracle’s row and column sets in FSG.

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3. Will your cloud vendor let you connect any additional tools you require?​

According to Productiv data, the average company has an impressive 254 SaaS apps – and enterprises have 364. When your business contends with so many different moving parts, adopting a solution that works seamlessly with multiple tools saves time while providing much-needed consistency.

Oracle provides native reporting like Oracle’s OTBI tool, but it only works with Oracle Cloud Apps. It cannot report against any other data sources. As a result, the software is unable to provide a complete picture of your financial and operational data.

However, software like Spreadsheet Server works seamlessly with other tools. Leveraging the power of Excel, you can easily examine data from multiple platforms, including GL and non-GL data.

4. How will you reconcile that your data has successfully moved to the cloud?​

When migrating to the cloud, it’s essential to ensure you successfully and accurately copy existing data across. To complicate matters further, Oracle users often convert to the cloud in a hybrid state. Some divisions and data are moved to the cloud, for example the finance department, while others, such as supply chain and HR, remain on-premises.

Backing up data is crucial before migration. Keep servers and information retrievable in case of setbacks ensure a more seamless transition.

Once the migration takes place, prioritize testing and quality assurance to make sure you haven’t missed a detail. During the testing phase, check whether your information has made a complete and accurate move.

5. If you are considering a partial migration, how will you access your legacy data in the future if needs arise?

Partial migration to the cloud comes with the added complication of having recent information stored in the cloud while legacy information remains on-premises. When history repeats itself, you need immediate access to historic data, which can take time and effort to extract from a separate system.

Angles for Oracle from insightsoftware provide a cloud data warehouse, removing the need for you to import legacy data from another system. Angles gives a central point to access and analyze information stored across multiple locations.

insightsoftware works hand-in-hand with Oracle ERP Cloud to bolster your financial and accounting posture. By moving to the cloud and taking insightsoftware with you, not only are you adding the advantages of a single source of truth for your data, but you’re also automating vital reporting and analytics. This way, you don’t need to miss a beat on financial reporting while converting to the cloud, reducing the load on your already overtaxed IT departments.

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