
Empower Your Customers to Unlock the Full Capability of Dynamics 365

insightsoftware -
November 4, 2021

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate.

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The foundation of good business management is cemented with robust financial and operational data. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management both deliver a solid platform for organizations to organize, analyze, understand, and manage their financial data. However, it falls short in some ways when it comes to financial and operational reporting, and planning, budgeting, and forecasting. insightsoftware solutions fill these gaps by bringing granular, multi-dimensional, real-time, refreshable data to users’ fingertips, driving faster, more accurate business decisions. As a Gold Partner within the Microsoft partner ecosystem, insightsoftware solutions (see Appsource Marketplace: Jet Reports, Jet Analytics, Atlas) are designed to enhance the Dynamics 365 enterprise resource planning (ERP) ecosystem and improve the businesses of Dynamics customers. We want you, as a partner, to be able to bring this advantage to your clients as well.

insightsoftware products are designed to help existing Microsoft Dynamics customers speed-up processes within the ERP while increasing the quality, accuracy, and access to their data. To help with this, we created a partnership program that can reach a wide audience of Dynamics users across the globe. From the beginning, the program was designed to equip partners with resources to learn about and offer insightsoftware products as part of the overall Microsoft Dynamics solution that they offer to their customers. This enables partners to meet the data needs of the office of the CFO within their customer base while creating a new, more profitable, low risk revenue stream. In short, we help our partners build value and create a path to the market around “financial transformation” within the Dynamics ERP stack.

A Partnership-Driven Approach to Outreach Marketing

insightsoftware supports partners across the globe to sell, support and contract with end users, or to market insightsoftware products for a combined go-to-market effort. We work with over 1,200 active partners falling into several categories to co-brand, configure, bundle, or resell insightsoftware products.

Enabling Partner Success

The partnership program is designed to build business, assist marketing efforts, and to integrate insightsoftware’s products in the partner’s marketing process. At every angle, a strong focus is placed on partner enablement, which ensures partners are ready to sell and implement insightsoftware products. With a deep catalogue of tools and training materials available via the online partner portal, every partner has a clear view of insightsoftware products, selling options, and resources available. For partners, working with insightsoftware means:

  • Increased Competitive Advantage – Partners can associate their organizations with the global leader in ERP and enterprise performance management (EPM) reporting solutions, becoming a trusted resource for reporting, visualization, analytics, and business planning.
  • Improved Profitability – Partners can leverage an array of training, marketing support, and rebates for better margins. A robust marketing rebate program offers monetary support of marketing efforts and reimbursement for expenses incurred during the promotion of insightsoftware products.
  • Accelerated Sales – Faster go-to-market on a global scale with lead generation and co-marketing campaigns, and the ability to buy your solution instead of build for efficiency.
  • Expanded Offerings – Partners can create a complete solution for their customers by offering insightsoftware products alongside their existing range of products and services. These partners enhance the value of our products by providing services ranging from presale consulting, installation, system management, or customization.

Identifying Customer Needs and insightsoftware Solutions

At its core, insightsoftware aims to enhance financial data management and financial reporting. This objective begins at the base of the finance department and has trickle-up benefits towards financial leaders who gain increased access to accurate reporting and insights that enable informed decision-making.

Partners can use this principle to compensate for the shortcomings in financial reporting inherent to the Dynamics ERP stack in a way that resonates with current and prospective customers. While it shines at data management, its financial reporting capabilities leave much to be desired. Due to the issues inherent with reporting in the ERP, Microsoft recommends that users employ Power BI or third-party software for reporting and analysis. Power BI can be great for creating attractive visualizations for management information, but isn’t designed to handle financial data with its hierarchies. That type of reporting in Power BI requires complex data manipulation and workarounds. This leaves users with no choice but to explore options outside of the Microsoft portfolio of products to create a complete data management solution.

Here are some common reporting roadblocks that direct MS Dynamics users towards insightsoftware partners and products for assistance. You can use these issues to identify gaps in financial processes and introduce insightsoftware solutions to your prospects.

No Single Source of Truth for Operational Reporting

Effective operational reporting requires going beyond data found in the general ledger. It is common for finance teams to need to bring in data from CRMs and other business applications and merge this to create a comprehensive operational report. This requirement to combine data sources is an inherent shortfall of Dynamics 365 that users are painstakingly aware of.

Building Financial and Operational Reports Can Be Extremely Time-Consuming

Dynamics 365 does not offer drill-down capabilities for financial reporting. Nor does it enable merging of data from multiple sources. Finance teams must resort to manual data dumps and copy/pasting data from various sources into static spreadsheets for analysis. This process of manual data manipulation is both time-consuming and prone to error.

Increased Risk of Data Inaccuracies

The manual manipulation of data typically results in inaccuracies within those data sets. It is an unavoidable fact. This is especially true when data originating in various sources must be converted to a new format before it can be combined with the data in your spreadsheet. This manual handling of data opens the door to inaccuracy and increases risk when tainted data is used to steer business operations.

While this is not a comprehensive list of the challenges that customers experience, these are three far reaching areas that impact many finance teams and are areas where by partnering with insightsoftware you can add real and immediate value to your customers businesses.

Partners Are Positioned for Growth

With products that support Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management for enterprises and Dynamics 365 Business Central for SMBs, insightsoftware offers solutions that are scalable and customized to your customer’s financial and operational reporting needs. Our channel partners are well positioned to serve the needs of businesses of all sizes with access to a far-reaching catalogue of solutions that address the needs of the office of the CFO. Read more about four popular solutions for Microsoft Dynamics that channel partners have a history of success delivering to customers:

  • Jet Reports – Fast, flexible financial and business reporting in Excel for Microsoft Dynamics. Simplifies report creation, sharing, and collaboration.
  • Jet Analytics – Data management and automation platform that allows configurations to be performed five times faster than hand-coded solutions and can be managed in-house. Jet Analytics acts as a single source of truth for all operational and financial reporting.
  • Bizview – A robust, web-based planning solution that increases planning cadences, facilitates collaboration, and simplifies processes to drive smarter decisions from more accurate data.
  • Atlas – Financial and operational reporting, uploads, and task automation for Microsoft Dynamics inside Excel. Enables efficient reporting, shorter month-ends, and faster refreshes with ad hoc inquiries and drill downs.

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