
Data is Power

insightsoftware -
July 13, 2023

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate.

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Already harnessing the abilities of the cloud, Sage Intacct users enjoy multidimensional analysis capabilities for a bird’s eye view of operational and financial data. Sage ERPs equip finance professionals with out-of-the-box reporting functionality as a level up from manual reporting, but what if you need more power to navigate through constantly changing regulations and market uncertainty?

According to a recent study by insightsoftware and Hanover Research, 70% of finance professionals feel pressure from inflation, economic disruption, and recession. The impact on efficiency is clear – 100% of respondents are less efficient than they were last year at critical responsibilities.

You Don’t Have to Be Powerless

Finance professionals worldwide oversee complex and critical tasks to keep organizations running. The accuracy of reporting, audits, internal audit controls, and more can make or break a business. But does this great responsibility come with great power?

The answer is no, at least not without the right tools.

One of the biggest benefits of having an ERP is the native reporting functionality many of them offer. But these tools are often rigid, and don’t cover every financial reporting need. If you require a report in a specific layout, format, or color, or if you need to report to multiple entities, the ERP’s native tools require too much technical know-how to offer that desired flexibility.

To complicate matters, 2023 Finance Team Trends Report reveals one quarter (24%) of finance teams find manual and time-consuming processes to be a key challenge. And when reporting across multiple locations or to multiple entities, you’re still required to manually dump and stitch together reports in a spreadsheet. This costs valuable time, making the month-end close process stretch from days to weeks.

When tasked with creating custom or ad hoc reports, you’re left to manually generate them or rely on overtaxed IT departments. This needlessly occupies valuable time you could devote instead to analysis and forecasting.

However, with the right toolkit by your side, you can empower your teams with the ability to report on data they have the business context for while streamlining time-consuming, manual processes.

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Harness the Full Power of Your Data

You don’t need superpowered intellect to know an investment in automation technology equips your finance team with the ability to draw out the full potential of your organization’s data. Adopting software solutions purpose-built for intuitive custom analysis is a valuable way to save time while creating critical reports more quickly and with greater accuracy.

When searching for the right software, look for one that offers self-service reporting and refreshable, near real-time reporting. Self-service reporting ensures finance leaders can get answers to questions immediately, without having to wait on IT.

Accessing near real-time data to support all month-end closing needs will take your Sage Intacct reporting to the next level by ensuring your data is not only reliable, but also up-to-the-minute. By accessing and reporting on data near real-time, you can be confident that your decisions are based on consistent, reliable, and accurate information. Reporting with near real-time data enables you to:

  • Enjoy fast response times by refreshing reports against the latest Sage Intacct data and getting fast answers to your ad hoc inquiries. Generate your recurring reports in a few clicks by refreshing your data as needed to fill the report template with up-to-date information.
  • Shrink reporting cycles by cutting the need for time-consuming manual data exports to Excel. Create charts, graphs, maps, and other visuals that combine data from multiple applications in just a few clicks.
  • Increase data trust and confidence in both your team and your leadership, with analysis that all parties know is accurate and timely.

Power Up Your Excel-Based Reporting

With Spreadsheet Server, you gain access to the detail you need, when you need it, directly in Excel. By putting finance teams in control with reporting and analytics software built specifically for the dimensional structure of Sage Intacct, you can spend less time on reporting and more time on valuable analysis.

Spreadsheet Server doesn’t require you to learn any complex coding or new programs – you can start and end your day in Excel. When you need to report across multiple entities, the tool gives you the flexibility to easily generate and send reports to different companies, departments, boards, and other entities to save you time while automating manual processes.

And when you need to analyze your reports, Spreadsheet Server has drill-down features so that you can easily see both the big picture and the finer details that define your company’s health.

Spreadsheet Server enables you to:

  • Gain more insights from data
  • Deliver value out of the box
  • Speed up reporting cycles
  • Automate report distribution

For more information on how to tap into the power of your Sage Intacct data, request a demo today.

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