
Bridge the Gap Between Operational Reporting and Strategic Analytics

insightsoftware -
June 7, 2022

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate.

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Modern enterprise applications are generating, gathering and storing more information than ever before. Your ERP system alone produces data at an astounding rate because it contains all the data you need to manage your core business activities such as financial accounting, manufacturing, supply chain management and human resources. Ironically, this abundance of data is more likely to obscure business insights than illuminate them.

As such, many companies find themselves in this data rich but insight poor predicament, prompting us to rethink that old BI model. In the white paperBridging the Gap Between Operational Reporting and Strategic Analytics we propose a new way to derive meaningful business insights – specifically from Oracle Business Applications.

Key topics:

  • Why traditional BI – which requires near-constant involvement from IT staff and a complex IT environment – isn’t working
  • Modern BI needs to bridge the gap between operational reporting and strategic analytics to deliver business insights that allow you to respond faster and with greater confidence
  • Key BI platform characteristics include integration, intelligence and ease-of-use
  • Angles from insightsoftware (formerly Noetix) enables enterprises using Oracle Business Applications to achieve real-time reporting and deeper business insights

There is a clear difference between operational reporting and BI, but they can and should work together. Angles for Oracle’s integrated platform delivers a powerful data model, library of pre-built, no-code business reports and robust process analytics engine to help you unlock the power of your enterprise data and gain actionable insights to act with decisiveness in an uncertain and quickly changing world.

Traditional BI is dead. Start thinking for the future and seeing more clearly with Angles for Oracle.

Read our white paper for more insights.