
4 Ways Angles Optimizes ERP Reporting and Why You’re Gonna Love It!

insightsoftware -
May 20, 2022

insightsoftware is a global provider of reporting, analytics, and performance management solutions, empowering organizations to unlock business data and transform the way finance and data teams operate.

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The beauty of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is its ability to provide a central view of your organization’s financial, operational, and business data. It automates repeatable tasks, streamlines your ability to create reports and analyze data, and sheds clarity on sales, marketing, human resources, supply chain management, and even manufacturing.

From a financial and operational reporting perspective, that beauty comes at a price, challenging finance and accounting teams to meet the increasing demand for recurring operational reports. They struggle with:

  • Slow processes with long lead times due to a lack of pre-built financial content and heavy reliance on IT teams to create and modify reports.
  • Overly complex ERP report writers and BI tools, requiring deep technical skills to understand and work with the data.
  • Difficult-to-understand reports based on tabular views that offer little to no ability to dig into and explore the data.

Today’s fast-paced finance and accounting teams can’t afford to rely on manual processes or traditional business intelligence (BI) tools that slow them down. That’s where Angles from insightsoftware comes in, helping mid-sized finance and accounting teams optimize their ERP reporting processes and gain fast, accurate analytics. See why Angles is the new financial reporting solution your teams and business users are going to love.

1. Ready-to-Go, Intuitive SaaS Reporting Solution for ERPs

Angles is a complete, ready-to-go, no-code solution that integrates with your ERP to optimize reporting processes.

With the pre-built operational reporting content, Angles gives you:

  • A comprehensive library of extensible, interactive business views that will rapidly meet 80 percent of your finance team’s reporting needs.
  • Tools to configure custom views for the remaining 20 percent their reporting needs.
  • Interactive reports, visualizations, and dashboards that cover common financial and operational reporting needs.

With Angles as part of your ERP reporting process, your finance and accounting teams gain control over their reports. They no longer need to rely on IT or wait for time-consuming manual processes to get the reports and information they need.

2. Custom, Accurate Dashboards, Reports, and Views With Near Real-Time Data

Because Angles understands your ERP data, your finance teams and business users can count on accurate, near real-time data—not historical data—in their reports. They get:

  • The ability to create reports, dashboards, and views using drag-and-drop design capabilities.
  • Self-service, customizable reporting.
  • Direct answers to operational questions right from the ERP—with built-in ERPsmarts and financial intelligence.
  • Drill-down capabilities to dig deep into the data from the summary to transaction level.
  • The ability to quickly find and fix issues in the data.

Your finance and accounting teams get access to the data they need and the ability to customize their reports, dashboards, and views. Their exact needs are met—all in a matter of minutes, not hours or days. For your regular, recurring reports, that’s a big time saving!

3. Easy-To-Understand Financial and Operational Data

With Angles, you don’t need a data analyst or deep technical skills to understand the data. Angles makes your data intuitive to use for both your finance team and non-finance users.

To further enhance the data, Angles provides rich visualizations and intuitive interactivity based on:

  • Table and pivot reporting
  • Dynamic filtering
  • Intuitive time slices
  • Drill-down capabilities

Angles gives your non-finance report consumers the information they want, how they want it, and in an easy-to-understand format. Report users can filter and refresh their reports any time to explore live, up-to-date data for accurate and informational insights.

4. Greater Operational Insights and Faster Decision-Making

By automating your financial and operational reporting processes with Angles, you achieve:

  • Decreased report lead times for faster report creation and delivery.
  • Improved access to all your ERP data using an intuitive operational reporting tool.
  • Interactive, extensible, and customizable views for finance.
  • Easy-to-understand reports with rich visualizations.

Together, these benefits mean your finance teams and non-finance report users gain faster, deeper insights into your business for rapid decision-making to help guide your company toward the future.

Discover why future-forward organizations demand a purpose-built operational reporting tool over traditional BI solutions. Download our e-book.

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