
What is Jet Express for Word?

Pain 2

Modify Document Reports Directly in Word

Build custom invoices, credit memos and other business documents in a flexible format pulling in data directly from NAV. Need to change the layout of an invoice or credit memo? Just open the document in Microsoft Word to make changes in a program you already know.

Pain 1

Custom Design with Flair Quickly

Reduce the need for rigid external documents coded in NAV. You can start right away with document templates that we provide, templates from the Office Store or create a document from scratch. Add company logos, change fonts, modify fields and customize for multiple regions easily.

Pain 3

Fast, Flexible and Easy to Use

A simple interface allows you to customize or create document layouts using familiar Microsoft Word capabilities. Your NAV fields appear in clear text, and the search feature makes it quick to add the data you need to each document. Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 or later, you can import document layouts into NAV and run directly in the client.