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Establishing Roles and Responsibilities in a BI Implementation

Starting a successful business intelligence project can be a daunting, complex effort. In our experience, assembling the correct set of roles with the correct set of skills is a paramount…

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Establishing Roles and Responsibilities in a BI Implementation

Roles And Responsibilities Bi Project 750x500

Starting a successful business intelligence project can be a daunting, complex effort. In our experience, assembling the correct set of roles with the correct set of skills is a paramount step when executing a successful
BI implementation.

In this white paper you’ll learn:

  • Who to choose as the project’s strongest advocate for success
  • How to guard against turning your project into an academic exercise
  • The case for IT leading the way
  • How to tap into the business needs behind the data

Download this free white paper to see if your BI project roles are clearly aligned.